Sunday, October 12, 2008

Twitter Influence And Social Score

Social Score

I am working a lot right now on the social score concept, to understand better how it could work. Basically, the social score aims to measure the equity of a customer by evaluating its network.

Twinfluence is a service that gives you stats about your Twitter influence. Basically, it analyzes your contacts.

What is interesting, is what they call the "Social Capital", which is the average follower's first order network size. "OK, I'm abusing the academic term "social capital" a little to indicate the average first-order network of a Twitterer's followers. A high value indicates that most of that Twitterer's followers have a lot of followers themselves."

A person that have a big network, but with people owning a few contacts have less influence that somebody that knows influent personalities. This is actually what the social score is all about. I would probably use this example furthermore while I'll talk in details about the principles of the social score.

PS: Thanks @PPC for the information.

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